Guiding students into finding their place 

Meet Ocean County ESP of the Year Nancy Jubert 

Nancy Jubert loves working with intermediate-age students. 

“They’re not the youngest, but they’re not the oldest.  They are like a middle child,” Jubert says.  “They don’t know what’s coming next and I want to help them find themselves and prepare them for the future.” 

Jubert is a Toms River Intermediate East paraprofessional and works with three seventh-grade students. 

“In years past, I worked with kindergarten, multiple handicapped, autistic, behavioral and learning disabled,” Jubert says. “Growing up, I had always thought I would become a nurse, but I love the education part of my life. These two interests fit together. I think of most of these students as my kids. I have worked with these students for two years but even after they move on, I’ll see them in the hallways, or they’ll come back and just say hello.” 

Jubert began her career in education once her third child began school.  She started as a kindergarten aide before transitioning to special education. 

“People think we’re just another person in the classroom,” Jubert says. “But we are more than that. The students need the encouragement and advice that we provide. They need someone who they can talk to when they are struggling. Paraprofessionals give a caring explanation that the students can understand. I love it when I see students accomplish something that they never thought they could do. The smiles on their faces mean everything.” 

Before staying home with her children, Jubert worked in county government where she was a proud union member. In Toms River, Jubert is a senior building representative and the Public Education Partnership (PEP) and FAST chair, where she works to secure NJEA grants for her local association and community. In addition, she is a representative for the Toms River sick day bank committee and serves on the negotiations team. At the county level, she is the Ocean County Membership Chair for NJEA and represents Ocean County on the NJEA ESP Committee. Jubert is also the county coordinator for Ocean County at the NEA RA held in July. 

Jubert has been nominated multiple times in the past for many positions by both local, county and state, but is most humbled by this nomination and subsequent acceptance of the Ocean County ESP of the Year. 

“I can’t even put into words how honored I feel,” Jubert says. “Everyone tells me that I deserve it, but I don’t do this work to be rewarded.  I do it because I love doing it. 

“Along with helping in my school, I also play a part in my community,” Jubert says. “I’m passionate about giving as much as I can and doing as much as I can, to see the positive things happening in my community.”