Looking for civics content?

NJSBF has got you covered from the First Amendment to the 27th

If you’re looking for civics materials to enhance your curriculum, the New Jersey State Bar Foundation (NJSBF) has you covered with its free publications and blog posts. The NJSBF has launched a new civics publication titled “The Bill of Rights Up Close,” which takes a deep dive into the Bill of Rights. This 28-page newsletter contains 13 articles that explain each of the 10 amendments, with four articles devoted to the First Amendment alone.

The NJSBF launched “Beyond the Bill of Rights” in fall 2019. The 24-page newsletter focuses on the 17 amendments added to the U.S. Constitution after the Bill of Rights was ratified in 1791. The newsletter also contains a bonus article on the Constitutional Convention and whether the U.S. Constitution needs a re-write.

PDFs of “The Bill of Rights Up Close” and “Beyond the Bill of Rights,” as well as many other civics topics, are available for download. Visit njsbf.org/publications, scroll down to “Civics Publications” and expand that section.

Print versions of the publications are available as well. Look for “Publication Order Form” at the website in the previous paragraph.
