NJEA statement on federal agents in public schools

NJEA’s officers, President Sean Spiller, Vice President Steve Beatty and Secretary-Treasurer Petal Robertson issued this statement on federal agents in public schools:

“President Trump’s declared intention to send federal agents into America’s public schools is a cynical political ploy designed to sow fear in children and their families.  The same president who earlier this week pardoned and released hundreds of violent adult criminals, including many who assaulted police officers, has publicly labeled school children as criminals. Threatening children is both cruel and cowardly and does not reflect American values.

“We will use every legal means at our disposal to protect New Jersey’s children from this assault. We have entered into a partnership with the ACLU of New Jersey to ensure that our members understand their constitutional and legal rights when protecting their students from harm. We look forward to working with the Murphy administration, the Attorney General’s office, and New Jersey legislators to ensure that New Jersey’s students can attend school without fear of federal interference. In particular, we urge passage of the Immigrant Trust Act to help make New Jersey schools much safer for students.

“We recognize our obligation to our students and to their parents who entrust us with their education and their safety every day. We are disgusted by this declaration from Washington, but we will never be deterred from standing up for students in New Jersey.”
