NJEA: We will always stand with students

NJEA’s officers, President Sean Spiller, Vice President Steve Beatty and Secretary-Treasurer Petal Robertson issued this statement reaffirming NJEA’s commitment to its justice-centered values in light of statements and actions by the incoming presidential administration:

NJEA is a proud justice-centered union. We believe in democracy and we are committed to advocating alongside those whose voices are too often suppressed or disregarded. When we see Executive Orders cruelly targeting vulnerable and marginalized groups and hear harmful and divisive rhetoric about our fellow Americans, we are reminded of why people of good conscience must stand together in defense of fundamental American values. The events of the last 24 hours have only served to reinforce our commitment to those fundamental values. We will continue to stand with our students and their families in every community across New Jersey. We stand particularly with our immigrant and LGBTQIA+ students who are understandably concerned that their rights and freedoms are under threat.

Every child deserves to feel safe, loved and accepted at home, at school and in their communities. We will always fight to ensure that our schools are welcoming, inclusive and safe spaces for every child in New Jersey.  And we will remain strong advocates for safe and welcoming communities in New Jersey as well.

We also stand in solidarity with NJEA members who are endangered as a result of the executive orders and harsh rhetoric of the incoming administration. We will never stop fighting to defend the rights of all Americans and particularly of those who make up our New Jersey public school community.

Living in a democracy places an obligation on each of us to participate in and uphold that democracy. We will continue to do that by protecting our students, defending our public schools and standing in solidarity with every community that is under attack today and in the future.
