Air quality laws

  • New Jersey law on asthma: NJSA 18A:40. Requirements include control of classroom triggers, and several provisions for management of student asthma.
  • N.J. Indoor Air Quality standard, NJAC 12:100-13,, requires schools to choose and train a designated person who must monitor and maintain the ventilation system. A more comprehensive program of training and action is offered by PACNJ (see below).
  • NJ idling restrictions, NJAC 7:27-14,, restricts diesel trucks and buses from idling for more than three minutes except in traffic. School buses are encouraged to avoid any idling at the school, and districts are encouraged to sign a No Idling Pledge.

For more information

NJEA Resources:

  • NJEA Reporter articles index: Look for articles on asthma, chemicals, art hazards, green cleaning, indoor air quality and mold.
  • NJEA Health & Safety Manual: Find the sections on Health & Safety Committees and Indoor Air Quality. In the appendices you’ll find walk-through and survey forms.

Pediatric Asthma Coalition of N.J. (PACNJ): or 908-685-8040

EPA IAQ Tools for Schools: has an information and action kit.
