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NJEA Jack Bertolino Summer Leadership Conference (SLC)
The 2022 NJEA Jack Bertolino Summer Leadership Conference will offer a broad menu of workshops that equip members to become stronger association advocates.
Event Description
Most workshops offer 7.5 hours of training. A longer workshop providing additional hours of training is available for newer presidents and other local officers.
There are two sets of three-day programs:
- Workshop I – Aug. 6-8 (Saturday to Monday)
- Workshop II – Aug. 8-10 (Monday to Wednesday)
Not all of the 30 workshops are offered in each workshop period. The workshop descriptions provided on the following pages indicate when any given program is scheduled. To accommodate educational support professional members (ESP) who may wish to limit use of vacation or personal time, Workshop Number 20 runs from Friday evening to Sunday afternoon.
For all other workshops, registration begins on Day One at 1 p.m. The first program, a “mini-course,” begins at 4:15 p.m. Day Three ends with a brunch, which is served at 10:30 a.m. following the final workshop session.
This year’s summer leadership conference will take place at Hilton East Brunswick. The conference is dedicated to developing association advocate representatives. Accordingly, no professional development credit is given for attendance in any seminar.
How do I register?
If you are an NJEA member, you are eligible and encouraged to attend this summer leadership conference offering 30 advocacy workshops. You will find topics that will prepare you for your current or future roles, sharpen your leadership skills and show you how your local can develop to its full-functioning capacity.
The purpose of this article is to alert members to this training opportunity and describe the 30 workshop programs available this year, but to register you need to talk to your local and/or county association president.
Local and county association presidents will receive registration brochures with detailed information on the 2022 NJEA Jack Bertolino Summer Leadership Conference. You must contact your local president and consult that brochure to learn more about lodging, daily schedules, accommodations for members with special needs, and registration.
If you have a special physical or communication need or other disability that may require assistance or accommodations to permit or facilitate your attendance and participation, or if you have any questions or concerns about housing arrangements, please contact NJEA by June 1 at slc@njea.org or at 609-599-4594, ext. 2270.
Scholarships are available for first-time attendees. See your local and/or county president for more information.
Health and safety protocols
SLC is planned to be an in-person conference this year. However, during the pandemic, all arrangements are subject to change in response to public health directives. Current NJEA policy requires that face masks must be worn. In addition, all attendees are required to show proof that they have been fully vaccinated against COVID-19 or have had a negative result on a PCR test within 72 hours prior to the beginning of the conference. Registrants will be notified of the health and safety protocols well before the conference so necessary precautions can be made to meet the requirements, if any.
Which workshop(s) should I take?
NJEA offers many advocacy conferences with a large array of workshops. Selecting which to take can be a daunting task. Whether you are currently serving in a leadership position or you have aspirations to become involved in some capacity within your local association, there are trainings that can help develop and hone your skills. To guide you, positions within the association are listed on this page, followed by workshops that would be beneficial to you. You will discover that being an officer is not the only position within your association and there are opportunities to get involved in other ways. Additionally, we have included a track for those exploring future leadership. Please note that not all of these workshops are offered at the Summer Leadership Conference and may be offered at other conferences throughout the year. These courses are not listed in any particular order and are not mandatory to serve in any position. Not all of the workshops offered at the Summer Leadership Conference are listed, so please review this menu of workshops before making your selection.