House showcases skills, will be auctioned by district
Four years ago, now-retired Hammonton High School wood shop teacher James Ziegler had an idea. He thought it would be fun and instructional to build a tiny house with students. A tiny house is a small residential home that can be pulled behind a truck, as needed. It is typically between 100 and 400 square feet and weighs approximately 10,000 pounds.
Ziegler, who initially learned about tiny houses from television shows such as “Tiny House Nation,” collaborated with teachers across the curriculum, including Computer Aided Drafting and Design (C.A.D.D.), art, graphic design, woodshop, and the materials and processing class.
With a $20,000 donation from the Hammonton Education Foundation and donations in materials in supplies from businesses such as Universal Supply and local contractors, more than 500 students and educators worked on the tiny house. The project was finally completed in 2021 with the help of woodshop teachers Rick Cote, Matthew Arena, Gene Luby, and Drawing and Drafting teacher Tia Santora.
The tiny house is now available for purchase at auction through Hammonton High School. Learn more about the specifications and place a bid.