Proud Bridgeton Bulldog and union advocate

Meet 2022-23 Cumberland County ESP of the Year Jane Caine 

Jane Caine has worked in public education more than 38 years. While she began her career working in the cafeteria in Hopewell Township, Cumberland County, she’s spent the majority of her time in Bridgeton. Over the years, she’s been a school secretary, student support secretary, library secretary and technology secretary. Through it all, she’s maintained her strong belief in the importance of public education and belonging to a union. 

“I started with the union when someone from my building couldn’t go to a meeting and asked me to fill in,” Caine says. “Through the years, my involvement has grown. I love Bridgeton and I believe that working in public education is a calling. It takes a lot of us to do the job well. But part of that is getting involved in your union and making a difference.”  

Caine pursued a career in education because it was a good fit for her family. While she could have made more money in the private sector, she and her husband placed a high value on the health benefits. Caine’s two daughters are both teachers, one is in New Jersey and the other is in Texas.  

“We are charged with getting the next generation to be the best they can be,” Caine says. “It’s important to me that I work in the same district where I received my education. Both my husband and I are graduates of Bridgeton Public Schools. We’re both Bulldogs, Class of ‘72. I love that not only did I learn in my district, but I was able to give back to my district. I’m always trying to give back to help others move forward, whether it’s children or adults. Everyone has something to give.”  

Caine’s long years of union activism have made her a strong ambassador for getting involved.  

“I’ve seen the difference that the union makes for members,” Caine says. “Sometimes, it’s a simple thing. There’s just a misunderstanding. The union can help by getting everyone to come together to look at an issue and come up with a solution that works. Sometimes, you just need everyone to take a breath and say, we can solve this. I believe in the least amount of fanfare possible. But I also believe if you’ve got to get out there and walk in front of your building, you walk in front of your building.”  

Caine is honored to have been named the 2022-23 Cumberland County ESP of the Year, particularly considering the wonderful people with whom she works.  

“I’m very humbled to be picked,” Caine says. “There are so many people who work so hard and do such a great job that I’m just amazed that I was chosen.”