Student HOPE Harnessing Opportunities through Project Based Engineering

Josh Langenberger of Howell Middle School South in Monmouth County received a $4,770 Hipp grant for a hands-on STEM learning program.

The grant will help students engineer a minimum of two robotic vehicles capable of performing specific tasks such as moving objects from one location to another via remote commands. Their understanding of the robotic system will permit for assembly, disassembly, repair and redesign when necessary.

Students will work with a local chapter of the Technology Student Association for collaboration of resources and knowledge. The team will share the opportunity with other advisors, technology teachers and any building staff member interested in developing a similar program. Building and district administration will be invited to monitor and witness the progress. Students will be invited to preview the collective work in a special robotics exhibition.

Professional development will evolve as information is shared via email, press releases, and/or website links and resources. Any interested individual will be provided an opportunity to experience and receive training and/or written documentation on the successful implementation of a similar endeavor.

The school district has pledged support for the registration of a successful team at a National Robotics Competition. The national competition will forge a partnership with the VEX Robotics Competition.

The initial resources will sustain the project between two and three years. The school district will continue to support the registration of student teams at a National Competition while the materials are sustainable. The local chapter of TSA has pledged to replace consumables as needed.

For further information, contact:

Josh Langenberger
(732) 836-1327, ext. 6851 (Howell Middle School)