Read more about the article Vaccines for educators launched at Rowan College of South Jersey
From left: NJEA Deputy Executive Director Kevin Kelleher, NJEA President Marie Blistan, Senate President Steve Sweeney, Rep. Donald Norcross, and Rep. Tom Malinowski.

Vaccines for educators launched at Rowan College of South Jersey

Teachers and ESPs statewide now eligible to receive COVID-19 vaccine At the Rowan College of South Jersey COVID-19 Mega-Vaccination Site, Gloucester County Institute of Technology Teacher Theresa Kerney was among…

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Read more about the article NJ educators, students crowned reading champs
New Jersey Elementary Conference Champions, led by Susan Murray, a fifth-grade educator, and her colleague Karyn Benchoff, at the Brigantine Elementary School in Brigantine.

NJ educators, students crowned reading champs

When it comes to rising to meet a challenge, New Jersey students are never ones to shy away.  Educators and students in three New Jersey schools proved that once again…

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Read more about the article NJEA statement on governor’s educator vaccination announcement
Pitman school nurse Sarah Weng receives her first COVID-19 vaccine shot at the ShopRite pharmacy in Mullica Hill from staff pharmacist Adam Fanelle.

NJEA statement on governor’s educator vaccination announcement

NJEA President Marie Blistan released this statement regarding Gov. Murphy’s announcement that pre-K-12 educators and support staff will be eligible to begin receiving COVID-19 vaccinations beginning March 15: Gov. Murphy’s…

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What should a local leader say during a national crisis?

Reflections of a local president on Jan. 6 On the afternoon of Jan. 6, I was in a meeting when my cellphone started exploding with texts and emails from colleagues…

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Read more about the article Providing mental health tools and support for Atlantic City’s high school students
The first 50 Atlantic City High School students who signed up for a Zoom event to discuss the school community’s social-emotional needs received an Amazon Dot. Here, Carla Davis-Smith, a school secretary who initiated the program, and student Navaro Bernard, safely distribute the Dots.

Providing mental health tools and support for Atlantic City’s high school students

By Kathryn Coulibaly Carla Davis-Smith was concerned about her students. As the secretary to an assistant principal at Atlantic City High School, she was aware of the challenges students faced…

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Three candidates vie for NJEA secretary-treasurer

Three members are running for the office of NJEA secretary-treasurer. In alphabetical order, they are: Brenda Brathwaite Denise King Petal Robertson Information provided by the candidates will appear in the…

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Read more about the article Governor launches adverse childhood experiences action plan
Gov. Phil Murphy hosted a virtual press conference on Feb. 4 to announce the plan. Top row: Murphy, Office of Resilience Executive Director Dave Ellis, and NJDCR Commissioner Christine Norbut Beyer. Bottom row: First Lady Tammy Murphy and Lt. Gov. Sheila Oliver.

Governor launches adverse childhood experiences action plan

Aim is to prevent and reduce childhood trauma and adversity Gov. Phil Murphy, Lt. Gov. Sheila Oliver, First Lady Tammy Murphy, and New Jersey Department of Children and Families Commissioner…

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Discussing controversial topics in the classroom

We are living in turbulent times. Now more than ever before, classroom teachers are faced with addressing students' concerns and questions they have over events unfolding before their eyes. The…

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Rebut … but … but … I don’t agree!

By Hannah Pawlak You are a hardworking educator. You go to work every day, you come prepared, and then … you’re observed. Someone who doesn’t do the same job as…

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